Upcoming Temporary Pool Closure


We are closing the pool between Monday, May 13 and Thursday, May 16 so that the pool deck can be painted. We want to do this before the school year ends and the pool gets busy.

Please put on your calendars. The pool will reopen on Friday, May 17.

We apologize for the interruption.

The MOHOA Board

Pool Season 2024

Dear Homeowners,

The pool opens this Saturday, May 4th from 10:00 am – 8 pm.


Monday – Pool closed for cleaning

Tuesday – Thursday – 10am – 8pm

Friday – 10am – 10pm – Swim with the Lights

Saturday – Sunday – 10am -8pm

You must use your pool card for access. Pool cards will be given out on this Saturday, May 4th from 10am – 12pm. This is only for new residents or residents who have never received or applied for a pool card. Residents who have received a pool card within the last two years and have lost their card will have to pay a $25 charge when requesting another card and this $25 charge will be added to their account.

The last day the pool will be open will be on Sunday, September 29th.

Have a great summer!!

Swim with the Lights 2023

Pool Attendant Request

Dear Residents,

Blue Water Recreational, the current pool company, are looking for pool attendants to man the gate during this pool season. The pool will open on Saturday, May 4th at 10 am.

The pool hours are Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 8 pm and closed on Monday for cleaning. You must be at least 15 years of age and the pay is $12/hr.

If you are interested or have more questions please visit the website at www.bwrecservices.com. Thank you for your consideration.

Board meeting

Please join us at 6:30pm on April 11, 2024 for your quarterly Board meeting. This meeting will be help virtually via Zoom. Details of how to join are below and the agenda is available here.

Date:             Thursday, April 11, 2024

Time:            6:00 pm Executive Session

6:30 pm for Homeowners

Place:            Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 847 3012 9033

Passcode: 269055

Dial by your location


Thank You,

Shannon Abernathy, CMCA®, AMS®

Community Association Manager

Spring Community Garage Sale

Dear Majestic Oaks Residents –

A community garage sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2024. 

Residents that wish to participate may display their items in their own driveways (not in the streets or the common areas please). 

Individual signs may be posted but must be removed immediately following. 

Come take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy great bargains and to meet your neighbors!

Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association

c/o Associa Principal Management Group of Houston

Annual Meeting Call for Nominees

Hello Majestic Oaks Homeowners,

The nomination deadline for the annual meeting has been extended to January 8, 2024.

There will be four (4) positions open for election to the Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, you may submit your candidacy by downloading the nomination form below , and returning it to Shannon Abernathy, no later than Monday, January 8, 2024 at 12:00 pm.

You can email the form to s.abernathy@pmghouston.com or fax to 713-329-7198. The official meeting notice and ballot will be mailed to all owners after the nomination period ends.

If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Abernathy via Town Square, email at s.abernathy@pmghouston.com, or 713-329-7130.

Board Meeting Follow Up

Dear Residents,

The Board of Directors approved the 2024 budget at the recent board meeting held on October 13th. Please be aware that the annual assessments will be increasing to $495 due to increases for both vendor contracts and insurance. Below is a link where owners can access the budget or owners may also find the attachment in the resident portal at https://majesticoaks.connectresident.com.

Charterwood MUD has graciously approved to install a new entrance to the dog park on Luxembourg and we are thankful to them for this. The new gate will be installed at this entrance next month and it will be open from 7:00AM to 8:30PM every day.

Lastly, we would like to thank FirstService Residential for their service to our community. Beginning November 1, 2023, Associa will be taking over as the new management company, and we’ve been told that it will be a seamless transition.


Majestic Oaks Board of Directors

Board meeting notice

Dear Majestic Oaks Owners,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming Board of Directors meeting on October 12, 2023 beginning at 6:00 pm.

The meeting will take place remotely via WebEx/Teleconference and owners can join the meeting using the below information:

Online: https://fsres.webex.com/fsres/j.php?MTID=mbbd7175cba70ad5661cdd7e6db7551c0

Meeting Number: 2485 524 1752

Meeting Password: wD8Ge7pwr8$ (93843779 from phones)

By Phone: 1-844-531-0749

Please submit any questions or concerns for the Board to discuss to communication.mos@fsresidential.com prior to the meeting.

Please reference the approved agenda here.

Thank You,

Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association

Board of Directors

C/o FirstService Residential

Community Fall Garage Sale

Dear Majestic Oaks Residents,

The Fall Community Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 7, 2023. Residents that wish to participate may display their items in their own driveways (not in the streets or the common areas please). Individual signs may be posted on the day of the event but must be removed immediately following.

Come take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy great bargains and to meet your Neighbors!


Majestic Oaks HOA

c/o FirstService Residential