Pool Hours & Memorial Day

Dear Majestic Oaks Residents,

The pool will be open for Memorial Day from 12:00PM – 8:00PM with an attendant present.
The pool schedule is provided below for residents. 

Please note that the pool will not have an attendant until 12:00pm each day.  There will not be a lifeguard at the pool; therefore it is  “Swim at Your Own Risk”.

Pool Schedule starting Saturday, June 4th

Mondays – Pool closed for cleaning

Tuesdays – Saturdays – 10:00AM to 8:00 PM (10AM – 12PM use pool card for access)

Sundays – 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (10AM – 12PM use pool card for access)

*If holidays fall on a Monday, the pool will be closed on Tuesday for cleaning.
Should residents experience any issues with their access card, please contact Shared Services at shared.mos@fsresidential.com and they would be more than happy to assist you. 
Have a Great summer!


Majestic Oaks  

c/o FirstService Residential 

Pool opening update, and water aerobics!

The pool opened last Saturday, May 7th at 12:00 PM. The Board Members will be onsite again this Saturday from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM for pool card registration for new homeowners and will check other cards for activation. Residents who have cards from last year, please bring your cards to check for activation at this time.

Below is the revised pool schedule for the 2022 calendar year:



Monday – Closed

Tuesday – Saturday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Sunday – 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM

If Monday is a holiday then the pool will open on Monday and closed on Tuesday for cleaning. We will start our year with an attendant which means no lifeguards will be on duty for the first 30-days and we will decide if we want to keep it this way for the remainder of the year.

Water aerobics classes will be held free of charge starting this Saturday, May 14th from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and will continue on the following schedule:

Saturday 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Come join in the fun!

The pool is opening!

Dear Majestic Oak Residents,

Our pool will open on Saturday, May 7th at 12:00 PM.  At 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM we will have pool card registration for new homeowners and will check other cards for activation.

Residents who have cards from last year, please bring your cards to check for activation at this time. Below you will find the pool schedule for this year:

Monday – Closed

Tuesday – Saturday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Sunday – 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM

If Monday is a holiday then the pool will open on Monday but close on Tuesday for cleaning. We will start our year with an attendant which means no lifeguards will be on duty for the first 30 days and we will decide if we want to keep it this way for the remainder of the year.

Please note: Residents should only be parking by the pool and park when they are using those amenities. Residents who are not using the pool and/or park need to park their vehicles in their driveway. We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a great pool season.

Upcoming Board Meeting

Dear Majestic Oaks Owners, 

Please click here to access the meeting packet for the Board of Directors meeting that will take place on April 14th beginning at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held remotely via WebEx and owners can join the meeting by using the below information: 
Online: https://fsres.webex.com/fsres/j.php?MTID=m4a9a0609737021b923951e4cd33f4231

Meeting Number: 248 348 20300

Meeting Password: K6dp66pYeH* (56376679 from phones)   

Join by Phone: 1-844-531-0749

Please be sure to mute your speaker when joining the meeting so all owners can hear and so the Board is able to conduct business.   

We hope to see you there. 

Thank you, 

Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association Board of Directors

c/o FirstService Residential

Community Garage Sale

Dear Majestic Oaks Residents –

A community garage sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 2022. 

Residents that wish to participate may display their items in their own driveways (not in the streets or the common areas please). 

Individual signs may be posted on the day of the event but must be removed immediately following. 

Come take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy great bargains and to meet your neighbors!

Info on the fining policy

Good afternoon homeowners,

The Board of Directors and many members of our community are tired of our neighborhood not being maintained.  It is time for us all to take action and add a fining policy to our declarations (see below for details).  In order to do this, we need votes from 51% of the two sections of Majestic Oaks. This is where we need your help.

We will be walking the neighborhood and knocking on doors in the afternoon on Sunday, March 6th to have you sign approval for this fining policy to go through. Please help us as we can’t do this without you.  Forms have been sent out via e-blast to your email.  If you have received, please sign and email back to First Service Residential to communication.mos@fsresidential.com
We all need to work together and get this done for the betterment of Majestic Oaks.

Thank you,  

Majestic Oaks Board

c/o FirstService Residential

TO:        All members (“Members”) of Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association (the “Association”)

REGARDING:    Amending the Restated and Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions applicable to either Majestic Oaks (formerly Charterwood, Section Ten) recorded under Harris County Clerk’s File No. P603260 or Charterwood, Section Seven recorded under Harris County Clerk’s File No. R740698 (such instruments being herein called the “Declaration”)

BOARD COMMENTS:     The Board of Directors of the Association (the “Board”) and many Members are tired of Members and residents not following the Declaration including failing to timely and properly maintaining their homes and the property in our community. The management company receives calls and emails from unhappy neighbors who are seeing the day to day run down of a property next to them. Letters are then sent to the Members and residents who are not complying with the Declaration. We are all frustrated and understand that something needs to be done other than just sending letters out that in some cases do not cause the problem to be cured. The Board wants our community and our homes to stay attractive and maintain or increase in value.
For the past year, the Board has been working on implementing a fining policy but in order to do this, our Declaration needs to be amended. The Association governs two sections that comprise our community (platted as Majestic Oaks [formerly Charterwood, Section Ten] and Charterwood, Section Seven). Each of these sections is encumbered by a separate Declaration and each Declaration needs the written approval of owners of a majority of the lots encumbered by the applicable Declaration in order to amend the applicable Declaration to allow the Board to implement fining.

At the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association, we began the approval process to amend the Declaration and are hoping you will also grant your approval to the proposed amendment to the Declaration.  It will take us working together to allow the Board to implement fining in an effort to keep Majestic Oaks an attractive place to live. We cannot do this without your help.
If you agree to amending the Declaration to allow the Board to implement fining, please fill out and sign the attached document and email or mail it back to FirstService Residential at: 
FirstService Residential

2002 Timberloch Place, Suite 650

The Woodlands, TX  77380

If you are not certain as to what section, block and lot number your property is located, please complete your mailing address and the management company will obtain that information for you.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Notice of Annual Meeting

Dear Majestic Oaks Owners,

The Members of the Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association will hold their Annual Meeting on February 10, 2022. At this time, an election will be held to vote one (1) homeowner to the Board of Directors.

A nomination form is included in the link below. If you are interested, please complete the form and return to FirstService Residential no later than 5:00 pm on January 24, 2022.  Ballots will then be prepared with the candidates presenting for election which will be mailed and emailed to all owners with instructions to complete and submit your vote.  

If mailed, please keep in mind that we must receive the filled out Nomination Forms in the office no later than 5:00 pm on January 24, 2022. Please submit accordingly to ensure your nominee is on the Ballot.

Click here to see the amended notice including agenda and nomination form.


Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association

c/o FirstService Residential

Upcoming Board Meeting

Good afternoon Homeowners. 

The Board of Directors has invited Legal Counsel to the upcoming Board Meeting on January 13, 2022 to address any questions or concerns regarding the initiative of adding a  Fine Policy Amendment to the Declaration.
A fine policy is standard in most communities as it boosts the overall neighborhood and increases property values in upholding a series of standards, regulations and processes that help maintain home exteriors and landscaping. 
Below are a few areas that are commonly addressed:

  • Replace/remove dead or missing landscaping
  • Remove storage of items such as buckets, lumber, tires etc. 
  • Excessive weeds in beds and yard
  • Mow yard
  • Parking in grass
  • Replace/repair missing or damaged gutters/down spouts
  • Fencing-replace/repair rotted or missing fence pickets  
  • Trash- remove visible containers and general trash 

We hope to have a good turnout at the meeting to allow for any questions or concerns regarding this initiative. 
In addition, please note that the Board of Directors has elected to hold the Executive Meeting at the start of the meeting and in order to follow Texas Property code, Sec. 209.0051. OPEN BOARD MEETINGS, ( c ) the meeting must be noticed as starting at 6:00pm and will do so but will immediately be adjourned to a closed Executive Session and will reconvene at 6:30 in open session for Homeowners to attend.

Therefore as a Homeowner, I would not arrive until 6:30pm.


Majestic Oaks c/o First Service Residential 

Board Meeting Notice with Agenda

Dear Association Members:

The Board of Directors for the Majestic Oaks Homeowners Association has scheduled a regular meeting.

Meeting Information 
When: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Charterwood MUD, 16444 Cutten Rd., Houston, Texas 77070

The subject of the meeting is general business of the Association, including discussion of items related to the Association budget and expenditures. 

Items that may be discussed in executive session include actions involving personnel, pending or threatened litigation, contract negotiations, enforcement actions, confidential communications with the Association attorney, matters involving invasion of privacy of owners, and other matters that are confidential by request of an affected party and agreement of the Board. 

Please see here for your agenda.


Board of Directors